Fruity Loops! Man, if only I had money to spend on that program. It is the tool of choice of the mighty Waterflame, and also its freakin' called "Fruity Loops." you cant go wrong :D
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You can download the demo here from the main website, I did and its very complicated and processor heavy (well at least for this old piece of crap) but it would be a worthy investment and is a really awesome program.
I LISTENED TO THE SONGS BEFORE I SAW THIS MESSAGE!! Am I gonna die a horrible death now when I go to sleep ?? :(( lol ..
Anyway.. I use Fruity Loops Studio 7 (there's an 8 version, I just haven't got it yet :P)
It takes quiet long time to learn (it did to me) but it is sure worth it. You can do anything in it if you know how to :D
PoisonSky (Updated )
I heard about that but... I can't find it :(
And about the Devil's Tritones... I've deleted them so the curse SHOULD be removed. Lets hope it is!
Oh yeah and if there's a simple fruityloops.... heck, tell me about it!